Buy New Rugs ,
Pay With Your Old Rugs!

You can have a brand-new rug always beaming in your room because our trade-in policy is here to exchange your old rug for a new one. In other words, you pay with your old rugs like cash!
Rugs are immortal!
Unlike all other home decor items that break down and devalue over time, rugs magically keep their value and gain even more! That’s why we suggest you consider your rugs as an investment. So please don’t dump them if you don’t find them appealing anymore. Instead, exchange them with new ones with our trade-in policy!
All Rugs Are Welcome! No Matter Where They Have Been Purchased
As we truly believe in the value and quality of the rugs we offer, we guarantee 100% trade-in value to the handmade rugs purchased from us. However, it doesn’t stop there; we warmly welcome the handmade rugs you have purchased from other stores or even other countries, no matter what size or color they are!
Anytime Is the Right Time, Any Reason Is the Right Reason!
You might want to trade in your rug because of redecoration, or maybe you have received it as a gift and you don’t love it. You might think of it 5 months after buying the rug or 5 generations after that; IT IS ALL OK! All rugs are welcomed anytime here at Sophia’s Rugs in Louisville, KY!
Our Massive Rug Collection Is in the Palm of Your Hand!
With your trade-in credit, you have a wide collection of area rugs to choose from!
VIP for Everyone!
The trade-in policy had been exclusive to our VIP customers, but now we offer it to all our customers.
We’re here to help you refresh your home’s look. Please give us a call and book an appointment for the trade-in today!
With the trade-in policy at Sophia’s Rugs:
- You have the chance to buy new rugs by spending far less, as your new purchase will receive store credit from trading in the old rug.